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番禺区招商引资工作规程Work Regulations of Panyu District on Investment Promotion

来源:广州市番禺区人民政府 发布时间:2023-10-17 15:47:28 阅读次数:-


  Work Regulations of Panyu District on Investment Promotion


  Article 1For the purpose of further standardizing the investment promotion in Panyu District (hereinafter referred to as the "District"), introducing more investment projects with high quality and good efficiency, realizing the economical and intensive use of land resources, and promoting the high-quality economic and social development of the District. These work regulations are hereby formulated in accordance with the actual situations in the District.


  Article 2These work regulations shall be applicable to the projects designed to invite external investment (including the capital increase and production expansion projects of the enterprises in the District, except fund projects and real estate projects), which are brought in under the guidance of the government and need to use government resources such as the land reserved by the People's Government of Panyu District (hereinafter referred to as the "District Government"), the District state-owned enterprise land, and the land reserved by Guangzhou Municipal People's Government (hereinafter referred to as the "Municipal Government") in Guangzhou South Railway Station, Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center (HEMC) and other areas.


  Article 3The brought-in investment projects shall be in fields other than those on the unified negative list for market access in China, and meet the relevant requirements of the District for energy conservation and emission reduction. It is encouraged to bring in the projects that conform to the development positioning and industrial orientation of the District and comply with relevant requirements for ecological and environmental protection.


  Article 4 For the brought-in investment projects which obtain the land reserved by the District Government, the District state-owned enterprise land, or the land reserved by the Municipal Government in Guangzhou South Railway Station, HEMC and other areas through public grant or transfer, priority shall be given to the project initiator that agrees to make the following commitments on the investment, taxable intensity and industrial development goals after settlement:


  (1) Investment intensity of fixed assets: Within 2 years from the date of land handover, in principle, the investment intensity of fixed assets shall be no less than CNY 6.7 million/mu (currency is CNY, the same below) for industrial land and no less than CNY 6 million/mu for modern service land, At the same time, with respect to industrial land or modern service land, it shall be no less than the requirements of the corresponding industry category as stated in the Guangzhou Industrial Land Use Guidelines at the time of project introduction.


  (2) Periods for project design capacity achievement: If the project uses less than 100 mu of land, the construction of the project shall be started within 1 year from the date of land delivery, the project shall be completed within 2 years after the start of construction, it shall be put into production within half a year after completion, and the project design capacity shall be achieved within 1 year after having been put into production. If the project uses more than 100 mu (including 100 mu) of land, the construction of the project shall be started within 1 year from the date of land delivery, the project shall be completed within 3 years after the start of construction, it shall be put into production within 1 year after completion, and the project design capacity shall be achieved within 1 year after having been put into production.


  (3) Annual taxable intensity (excluding policy tax rebates and individual income tax, the same below): After the project production, the annual taxable intensity shall be no less than CNY 700,000/mu (calculated based on the net land area) for general industrial land.


  (4) In addition to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, for other projects which are obviously forward-looking in industry and occupy large market shares, or which have independent intellectual property rights and high-end, precision and sophisticated technologies, after collective study by the District Government, they can be determined as the prioritized projects that really need to be brought in.


  Article 5Work procedures of investment promotion:


  (1) Project engagement. The organization which intends to bring in a project shall a tentative engagement with the project initiator to understand the investment intent of the project. It can provide the project initiator with the basic information of the District, industrial policies, and tentative recommendation for site selection, etc.


  (2) Field visits. The organization which intends to bring in the project shall conduct field visits to the project initiator or the same type of project according to the specific situation, and collect relevant data and project conditions.


  (3) State the intent. The project initiator shall submit a letter of intent for investment or a letter of investment commitment to the organization which intends to bring in the project, or both parties shall sign a letter of intent for cooperation to state the preliminary cooperation intention of the project. The organization which intends to bring in the project shall guide the intended investor to submit the project feasibility study report or project proposal, the annual audit report issued by the qualified institution, the financial statements of the company, and the source of fund and related materials.


  (4) Analysis and review. The organization which intends to bring in the project shall organize the research and analysis of the economic and social benefits of the project, and prepare the project analysis report for the project that meets the relevant standards of these work regulations, and submit it to the District Government for approval. For the "four-new enterprises" (engaged in new industries, new technologies, as well as new forms and models of business) that have not met the relevant standards of these work regulations, if the project has great development potential or has an important driving effect on the industrial development of the District, the organization which intends to bring in the project shall lead the efforts to organize experts in economics, science and technology, environmental protection, health and other related fields to review the project feasibility, technological advancement, industry driving ability, and development potential, etc., or conduct risk assessment analysis. After the review is passed, the project shall be reported to the District Government for study and decision.


  (5) Sign the agreement. After the project that needs to use land has been brought in with the approval of the District Government, before signing the Contract for the Transfer of the Right to Use State-owned Land for Construction , the bidding winner must sign the Panyu District Industrial Construction Project Contract Performance Supervision Agreement with the Panyu District Bureau of Science, Technology, Industry, Commerce and Information Technology.


  (6) Settlement services. After the project initiator obtains the land use right according to the law, the town (sub-district) where the project is located shall provide high-quality services for going through formalities for land use and construction approval.


  (7) Follow-up management. The Panyu District Bureau of Science, Technology, Industry, Commerce and Information Technology shall lead the efforts to supervise the contract performance of the projects that need to use the land; and all relevant departments and the towns (sub-districts) where the projects are located shall cooperate with the supervision. For the project that fails to fulfill the promises or agreed conditions, the project investor shall be urged to fulfill the promises or agreements within the time limit.


  Article 6For the investment project brought in with the approval of the District Government, the project party shall, through public grant or transfer, obtain the right to the land reserved by the District Government, the District state-owned enterprise land, or the Municipal platform land, and shall carry out development, construction and operation in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.


  Article 7The fixed asset investment as mentioned in these work regulations shall be subject to the contract for the grant or transfer of land use right, the construction project contract, and the equipment purchase invoices. The output value or operating income indicators shall be subject to the annual audit report issued by the qualified institution. The amount of tax payment shall be subject to the verification result of the tax department.


  Article 8These work regulations shall be implemented from the date of issuance and shall be valid for 5 years. The original Notice of Panyu District People's Government of Guangzhou on Printing and Distributing the Work Regulations of Panyu District on Investment Promotion (Pan Fu Gui [2020] No. 2) shall be repealed at the same time.



  Annexes: 1. (Project Name) Letter of Intent for Project Investment (reference template)


  2. (Project Name) Project Feasibility Report (reference template)


  Annex 1


  (Project Name) Expression of interest for Project Investment


  (reference template)


  (Name of Governemnt Department) in Panyu District, Guangzhou:


  According to the Company's development strategy, in order to  promote the economic and social development of Panyu District, the Company intends to invest in the construction of the project (project name) in Panyu District. The basic information of the project are as follows:


  1. Project name:


  2. Estimated total investment of the project:


  3. Introduction of the investor


  …… (including but not limited to the basic information of the investor company, main operations, position in industry, and operating performance in recent years)


  4. Project construction content and scale


  The Company’s commitment to establish a project company with a separate legal personality in Panyu District to be responsible for the construction and operation of this project. This project is planned for… (including but not limited to project positioning, main products or business content, and construction scale)


  5. Estimated benefits of the project


  ……(including but not limited to the output value/operating income and ratal after the project is completed or put into operation)


  In order to accelerate the implementation of the project and facilitating the Company to reach a strategic cooperation with Panyu District, your department is requested to assist the Company in implementing the relevant site selection and settlement work. The specific details of cooperation shall be subject to the official signing of the cooperation agreement or cooperation framework agreement in the next step.


  (Full name of the investor company with an official seal)

  年 月 日


  (联系人: ,联系电话: )

  (Contact name:  ; Tel:  )


  Annex 2


  (Project Name) Project Feasibility Report


  (reference template)


  XXXX Company

  年 月


  目 录

  Table of Contents


  (Please prepare according to the actual content of the main text)

  第章 项目的基本概况

  Chapter 1 Basic Overview of the Project


  1. Overview of the Project Application Organization


  (The contents may include but be not limited to the basic information of the project investor, main operations, main products, position in industry, economic benefits, corporation technology, innovative achievements, patents, honors, and awards in recent years.)


  2. Basic Information about the Project


  (1) Project construction background


  (A brief description of the construction background of this project.)


  (2) Main construction content and scale


  (A brief description of the construction content and scale of this project, including but not limited to the land use area, total construction area, total investment, project positioning, and project planned completion content and development goals, etc.)


  3. Others


  (The content can be added according to the actual situation of the project.)

  第二章 项目发展前景分析

  Chapter 2 Project Development Prospect Analysis


  1. XX Sector/Industry Development Analysis


  (Mainly describe the current development status and future development expectations of the sector/industry to which this project belongs in the world, in China and in Guangzhou.)


  2. Product Market Demand Analysis


  (Mainly describe the core competitiveness of the main products/services provided by this project in the market, and market demand analysis, etc.)


  3. Others


  (The content can be added according to the actual situation of the project.)

  第三章 项目建设方案

  Chapter 3 Project Construction Plan


  1. Project Site Selection


  (1) Project land demand


  (Mainly describe the project's demand for site selection, including but not limited to the site selection location, surrounding transportation conditions, land use area, land use nature, and construction scale.)


  (2) Intentional site selection


  (If you have an intent to select a site, you can list the basic information of the intended site.)


  2. Project Construction Scale and Content


  (A detailed description of the project construction scale and content, including the construction content and positioning of each zone in the project site, and the project renderings can be attached.)


  3. Analysis of the Impact of the Project on the Surrounding Transportation and Environment


  (Mainly conduct a detailed analysis of the impact of the project site on the surrounding transportation, residents' lives, and ecological environment.)


  4. Others


  (The content can be added according to the actual situation of the project.)

  第四章 项目建设成本分析

  Chapter 4 Project Construction Cost Analysis


  1. Project Construction Cost Analysis


  Detailed analysis of project construction costs.)


  2. Project Funding Sources


  (Mainly describe the main sources of funds required for the construction of the project.)


  3. Others


  (The content can be added according to the actual situation of the project.)

  第五章 项目运营模式和效益分析

  Chapter 5 Project Operation Model and Benefit Analysis


  1. Project Operation Model


  (Mainly describe the main operation and profit models of the project.)


  2. Project Benefit Analysis


  (1) Economic benefits


  (Analyze the economic benefits after the project is completed, including but not limited to the forecasts of annual output value/operating income, annual tax payment and other economic indicators.)


  (2) Social benefits


  (Analyze the social benefits after the completion of the project, including but not limited to the influence of the project, the introduction of talents, and the promotion of local employment.)


  (3) Others


  (Others can be added according to the actual situation of the project.)


  Chapter 6 Conclusion


  (Conclusive elaboration on the feasibility of the project.)


  Annexes: 1.


  2. (The annex shall be accompanied by the main texts and supporting documents that mention the relevant information of the investor and the project, including the investor's business license, annual audit report, tax payment certificate, and patent certificates.)


  Company (with an official seal)



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  (Contact name:  ; Mobile Number:  ,E-mail:   )



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